I’m on “The Source” 620 CKRM, a live radio show based out of Saskatchewan, Canada, RIGHT NOW.  But you can listen from anywhere at http://www.620ckrm.com/!

Is it bad that my valentine is 
really just myself with makeup on?


Pepper for… Pope?

Wow!  I’m on the front page of TMZ right now!
 (Right next to a hot guy with his hands down his pants!)
Check it out:  http://tmz.com/

Thrilled to have been added to the “Blood at the Beach” celebrity line-up.  That’s May 10-12, in Virginia Beach.  Scare you there!  http://www.bloodatthebeach.com

With my new BFF, Desi Arnaz Jr. (Lucille Ball’s son!) 
at the Dam Short Film Festival.  
(The coolest part: he wants to do a show, in which I play his mother!  Highest compliment EVER!)

“Wigga” was welcomed tonight by a full-house 
at the Dam Short Film Festival!