I workout.  
Photo:  Robert Richards/MR Paparazzi, 
w/ Point Society & CarnivalWorks. 
Glam: Maya Landi.

Play with me.
Photo credit:  Robert Richards/MR Paparazzi
w/ Point Society & CarnivalWorks.
Hair/makeup by Maya Landi.

Been a minute since I posted any hot editorial shots, but I’ve been a busy bee!
Photo credit:  Robert Richards/MR Paparazzi, in conjunction w/ Point Society & CarnivalWorks.
Makeup by:  Maya Landi.

Somewhere over the rainbow, actor David Ury & I reeked complete havoc at Sony Pictures Studios.  

Based on true events in my actual, former alley way. Congrats to creator, Marcus Folmar, for turning some poo in the alley into a hilarious, new web series: