Last night I had the great fortune of sitting on a plane next to perhaps THE #1 American Horror Story fan… (He was literally traveling from his home in Guatemala to Los Angeles for the Roanoke-themed maze at Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights.) Before he’d even sat down, he took one look at me and slack-jawed, said, “Are you…?” He’d been bumped from his previous two flights onto this one, so he was convinced I’d been sent from God, or the aliens, or some form of white magic to salvage his trip. He talked my EARS OFF, putting my #AHS knowledge to SHAME! Which I 100% welcomed (with the exception of possibly providing spoilers to anyone who could understand us speaking Spanish)– still, watching him delight in my mere presence reminded me that my vocation, which on the surface seems self-serving, actually touches hearts all over the world! Thank you, Paulo Alvarado for making me feel like I’d made your trip– you certainly made mine!