Holiday weekends used to be reserved for climbing on strangers at Venice Beach. 🤸🏻‍♀️ Now I just dodge them from 6 feet away at the grocery. 😷 #photoby @koyu #wardrobe #orangecosmicmermaid (Which reminds me: as we all know, small businesses are really struggling right now. Please give my girl, Piper Haven’s yoga/festival apparel company, Orange Cosmic Mermaid a gander!) 🙏🏼 #acroyoga #trust #thosewerethedays #memorialday #weekend #holidayweekend #venicebeach #smallbusinesssaturday #newmormal #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #coronapocalypse #financialcrisis #tbwhenever #uncertaintimes #supportsmallbusiness

In my thickest Chicago accent, I am proud to announce: “DA CAT IS OUTTA DA BEG!” Coming soon, not only will there be a FULL-REDO of the iconic, 2002, original “Mafia” (w/ dramatically improved & expanded visuals & gameplay), but I’M IN IT! Can’t say which character or post her specifically just yet, or da wise guys at @2K & #hanger13’ll whack me! But more to be revealed as its release-date approaches… #savethedate Aug 28! #preorder today! #mafia #mafiagame #remake #mafiatrilogy #mafiadefinitiveedition #teaser #trailer #gamer #comingsoon #voiceover #thankyou Atlas Talent #gangsterlife #actorslife