Welp, goodbye EDI! I would say that was the hardest/most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done, but it wasn’t. It was the hardest/most fulfilling thing I’ve done SINCE I did it the last time! (I just forgot how hard/fulfilling it was!) Like climbing Kilimanjaro, only theatre. Thank you, #Edinburgh, but especially Elizabeth Gore Stanley, @ghostscanbereal, Karin Kanewske Turner & Gilded Balloon for being my sherpas along the way. Time now to decompress on a quick, European getaway before recentering real life. Much to unpack (literally & emotionally), never mind wine to drink! #americanwhorestory#edinburghfringe#photoby Christian Schliep

I love how The British Theatre Guide’s only criticism is that my “life is still ongoing, and while it’s clearly been a great journey so far, it’s also one that is far from finished.”Touché! My story’s hardly over… Also, I’ll take “wildly entertaining!”
