Last Sunday I was reunited, 25 years later, on stage, with @therealalexandrabillings… You know her as #davina from @transparentamazon and/or will know her as #madamemorrible from Broadway’s @wicked_musical. But I knew her as the nazi-dyke-prison warden (calm down— this was late night-Chicago-comedy-underground-theatre-in the 90’s) in SHANNEN DOHERTY SHOOTS A PORNO, and the Russian-holographic-hooker in CANNIBAL CHEERLEADERS ON CRACK. We acted side-by-side, topless, some of the time— and even then, I was star-struck by her! I just KNEW there were big, big things ahead… Every weekend, I’d hop on the L, leaving my sheltered, little life up at @northwesternu for the nitty, gritty city and get a REAL EDUCATION from her, and the rest of our crazy-gifted cast, pictured here. And though my theatre-snob friends up at #NU liked to remind me, “it’s not Chekhov,” the lessons I learned there have informed my work even to this day. Being her special guest at #katiescorner last Sunday was like coming full-circle, home. Thank you, #alexandrabillings @seanabley @lalgbtcenter for the beautifully nostalgic night! 🌚💫🌈🤗👏🏼