This lovely family was waiting for me at LAX last night with their Pepper action figures poised & ready to be signed.  (How did they know my flight??)  Setting the creep-factor aside, and concentrating on how cute they are/sweet it all is!

Other guests’ fans don’t give them flowers! 😉  
-At Wizard World St. Louis

Do you guys watch “Gotham?”  Turns out it’s star, Robin Lord Taylor and I went to school together, at the exact same time, and consequently have a million mutual friends (and acting teacher)!  Spent the night reminiscing old times we didn’t know we shared!

Today I met one of my biggest fans… He runs the @NaomiPepperFan site/twitter (note the t-shirt).  I don’t know who was more excited to meet who!!! -At Wizard World St. Louis

Big ups to Beth Konrad Brown & Point Society, as well as Petey Mongelli, James Mullen & the freaks/fans at Spooky Empire.  ‘Twas a freaky-deaky weekend, made only more wild by a visit with my middle school crush, Blue Man-extraordinaire, Wesley Day!

Friday night I was doing the worm on a dance floor all alone somewhere in New England… Saturday morning I was in Florida with a 2 ft tall woman and an 8 ft tall woman, being showered by original art.  Today I’m coming home to Cali WITH STORIES!

So, I just flew to New Hampshire to attend this “Point Society” gala… This is their mission statement.  For the life of me, I still don’t know what they do, nor what I’m doing here.  But it is FABULOUS!

Thou shalt not covet thy friend, Neil Mandt’s Emmy!