The Hollywood Hills are Alive…

Doing a Reddit “AMA” tomorrow from 1-2pm PST.  Your chance to ASK ME ANYTHING!!!

Funny that this mostly nonverbal character would yield SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS; among them, at MY OWN ALMA MATER, Northwestern University!!!

Boy George just followed me on Twitter, and Zach Galligan just invited me to a red carpet.  Waiting for Debbie Gibson to call me “out of the blue,” and make my wildest 80’s dreams come true…

Ben Woolf stayed in Russia 4 days after I left, and each day he wrote me long emails, recounting the days’ adventures.  In fact, he used to text me after every trip I took: “How was your flight?” (And I travel A LOT.)  We were supposed to take 3 trips together in March alone, including (if I’m not mistaken) the one I’m on right now.  
Apparently my eulogy yesterday went well… People cried for most of it, then “screamed with laughter during the rape part.”  Ben would have liked that.  I was sick to have missed it, though knew carrying on with my commitments is what he would have wished.  There was no question he was with me, signing autographs in spirit, as I was with those you, honoring him yesterday in Santa Barbara.  

The “Pepper for Prez” campaign trail continues… 
-At Horror Hound Weekend, Cincinnati

What feels like a lifetime ago, I would pour my Spanish-teaching-side-job-at-the-time earnings into writing/producing/starring in silly, comedic shorts, in the effort to keep creative, sane, and in the game.  I recently learned that among them, WIGGA PLEAZE!, has been named a “Faux Favorite,” to be screened as part of a 10-year retrospective at the Faux Film Festival, April 3-5, at the Clinton Street Theater in Portland, Oregon.  If you’re in the area, GO!  If not, WATCH HERE (and get to know me better)!

In a sequined straight-jacket (like I belong).  Mad props to photographer Cathryn Farnsworth, makeup artiste Dallas Dinnocente, and stylist Holley Wolfe for KILLING it during our shoot yesterday!

I was all smiles on Adam Carolla’s show yesterday!  (I also clammed up & blushed for most of it.)  Hear him rant/me be bashful (first time for everything), as we discuss Jimmy Kimmel’s pee-hole, etc, here:

I’d like to thank the TV Academy/Primetime Emmys for the awesome “Evening with the Women of American Horror Story” last night!