I may have made it now… I mean, last I checked, neither Kathy nor Sarah nor Jamie go by “Grossman.”

Had a face for radio this am on the @FrankDeCaroShow.  Listen to it repeat at 2pm PST on @SIRIUSXM!

Just wait till you see my BFF, Marcus Folmar’s hilarious, new web series, “Alleyway,” (based on true events in our actual alley), featuring me and other “Booking Room” clients, shot just today.  So funny!

Bahahahaha!  It’s my blog, and I can post what I want to– it’s too funny to deny you!  Tonight I slipped on a wet sidewalk and split my dress up the back.  Thank God for my yoga-booty!  It was on full-display on Spring Street:

This is the day every year I get weepy and weird because I have SO MANY AMAZING PEOPLE in my life who are SO INCREDIBLY GOOD to me!

40 years ago tomorrow, it was the coldest day of the year in Denver, CO… So cold, the Volkswagen bus almost didn’t start!  But then, by some miracle; it did; we made it just in time to the hospital, where I was born, 4 lbs 9 oz.

On my 15th birthday, 25 years ago tomorrow, I got my SAG card…

Now, 25 years later, I’m finally making full-use of that card, playing an 18 year old orphan.  Oh, and it’s forecasted to be 75 degrees tomorrow. 🙂

Some much-needed fluff amongst reports of Russian-backed separatists vs. Ukrainian forces:

Not gonna lie, I half-way thought I was going to Russia to be kidnapped & killed.  QUITE THE CONTRARY!  HUNDREDS of press core members & fans awaited us at the Russian International Horror Film Awards press conference IMMEDIATELY following our arrival.  SO GLAD Getty Images (and every other photographer ever) captured me in the clothes I’d slept in two nights straight, just after a 12 hour flight, 3 hour connector, and 6 hour layover.  Never felt so famous/dirty/exhausted/excited/overwhelmed.