Killed two bottles of wine with Patricia Quinn last night, 
and now I’m seeing triple…  Let’s just say one of us is NOT Irish!

Probably my favorite part of “Shock Stock” in Canada this weekend was meeting such adorable fans like these! 

Shocked and thrilled by the creativity Pepper has inspired!
Check out the artist: 
She creates these wildly whimsical art pieces & dolls. 
Such a talent!

Shock Stockin’ with the legendary Patricia Quinn 
and friends, old and new alike!

In honor of Equal Pay Day today, I’m reposting this very thoughtful interview re: Women in Comedy: Thank you, U of Idaho Women’s Center, for all that you do for women (including me this weekend!).  

According to a fan at “Days of the Dead” yesterday, someone’s been horroring around!

Last night’s show went RIDICULOUSLY WELL!

Wow, what a warm welcome to U of Idaho!