If you told the 5-year old me that in 40 years, there’d a global pandemic, and that Halloween would be CANCELLED; and yet, I’d STILL manage to have one of THE MOST FUN Halloweens ever?!? (So fun, in fact, I’d forget to document, and would have nothing to show you for it?) My jaw would DROP!! Just like it did! 😮 #happyhalloween #belated #backintheday #blackandwhitephotography #halloween #noexpectations #jawdrop #shocker #covidtimes #littlewitch #littleclown


While I already voted (and so should you!), I can still #dedicatethevote! I’d like to dedicate my vote to LORNA. While I don’t know her personally, she was the muse for my character in Ctrl Alt Delete, for which I was Emmy nominated. Yesterday was a sad day for her and the other women at the clinic, what with #AmyConeyBarrett confirmed on the #supremecourt. #Shame on the #Republicans for rushing her through. All we can do now is voice our disapproval by VOTING THEM OUT 1 WEEK FROM TODAY! (Sorry for yelling.) 💪 I #nominate my fellow patriot-friends, Elaine Hendrix Jason Winston George & Maz Jobrani to dedicate their votes, and #challenge anyone else seeing this to do the same! #doit #bidenharris2020 #vote #voteearly #rockthevote #getoutdemvotes #dumptrump #votehimout #grabhimbytheballot #swingleft #bluewave