For those following my Peter Lawford ghost story: on Christmas Eve, the 35th anniversary of his death, the lights continued to flicker (like I showed you) till the sun came up. (We have them on a timer, so that’s when they automatically turn off.) But then when it started to get dark again, they began to flicker again… until BAM! I heard a loud bang outside. I figured someone was at my door, so I went to open it, half-wondering if I’d find Peter Lawford… That’s when I saw the light had fallen right out of ceiling. NOW TELL ME THAT IS NOT A SIGN! (I left early yesterday morning, so you’ll have to wait till I’m back for further follow-up.) But in the meantime, that’s my story and I’m sticking with it! #ibelieve #peterlawford #ratpack #ghoststory #friendlyghost #westhollywood #lore