Lots of folks bemoaning having missed Bite Me – The Film while it was in LA… To which I say, buck-up! You can still see it, streaming! I RECOMMEND Seed&Spark, which is like a Netflix for indie film! Only it’s cheaper, and allows its filmmakers to recoup 2-10x as much as they would through iTunes, Amazon Prime, or Google Play. Though you’re of course welcome to watch it there too. So long as you watch it—and in so doing, feel good about supporting independent film! https://www.bitemethefilm.com/ 🙏🏼🎥🎞🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️


I HAVE THE BEST FRIENDS!!!! 👫👭👬👫👬👭👫👬 I cannot tell you enough how much your BARRAGE of texts, emails & posts each morning, telling me what a CRAZY-FUN NIGHT you had seeing & celebrating Bite Me – The Film mean to me. (Though I do believe Lisa Pink’s here takes the cake!) Oh, SAG members: please vote for Abraham Justice! I met him Monday, collecting signatures outside our “vampire ball,” and told him I WOULD sign his petition… at my screening Wed. 🤪 And would you believe he came?!?! That’s the kinda support I’m talking about!) 🙌🏼🤸🏻‍♀️👏🏼💥🤯💋