Art imitates Pepper.
-At Kentucky ScareFest
By:  Michael Kulich

By:  Kraig Haplea
By:  Casey Jo

By:  Blasko_66

Beedle-dee-dee-dee-dee!  Two Twistsies!!

Really making my point on the Kentucky news!

Ma Petite models the new Pepper mask.  Which in her case, practically functions as a full-body prophylactic.  

So long, Dragon Con!  (Is it next year yet?!)

Cosplay with me!
-At Dragon Con

OK. Scott Thompson and I totally just kissed and made up. 😉

 Scott Thompson (“Kids in the Hall”) and I wrestled each other to the ground on stage at “5 Truth & a Lie” tonight.  It’s really all downhill from here!

We’re all going Gaga over next season!
-At Dragon Con