A tiny taste of the action you’ll be getting at Chicago’s Flashback Weekend this Fri-Sun. http://www.flashbackweekend.com

I was BLOWN AWAY by the ability these “disabled” actors showed at the “Meet the Biz” workshop I  “taught” yesterday.  (They taught ME!)  Exhibit A:  The PANIC I experienced when my first volunteers to do Meisner were deaf and paralyzed… Which quickly turned to awe, as I watched them do the exercise so effortlessly!  My panic was born out of my own ignorance.  I was the disabled one!!  Special thanks to David Zimmerman for having me, as well as Paul Rohrer and Kim Rubinstein for teaching me all that I know!

I just went through a big stack of fan mail, which was partially flattering, but mostly CONFUSING!  Why are people sending me letters/photos meant for “Mr. Tavaré?”  And who is this mother-son duo straight out of the 70’s, and what am I supposed to do with them?!  And NO, I WILL NOT SIGN SOMEONE ELSE’S TOPLESS PHOTOS FOR YOUR “GIRL SCOUT PROJECT!”  LOL!!!

First weekend home in 6 weeks.
I am NOT traveling ANYWHERE this weekend.
I WILL CUT anyone who challenges me on that!
(Photo by:  Jason Lockhart)

Hangin’ with my homie!


ASTRONOMICAL THANK-YOU to the Space City Comic Con for the out-of-this-world weekend, including ASTRONAUT Andrew Feustel’s stellar NASA tour!!!

THANK YOU to the VISUAL FX MASTERMIND behind “BIRDMAN” (among a dozen other technologically groundbreaking blockbusters), Adam Howard.  He helped me with a self-tape this weekend… Now, ANYONE that knows me, knows all things technological (even formatting/sending in an audition) are VERY HARD for me.  Kinda like shooting an entire movie that appears to be filmed within a single shot…