Rose Siggins never spent a SINGLE SECOND feeling sorry for herself, so neither can we!  (Although I admit I’ve had my moments this week.)  Her strength and smile truly serve as a reminder and inspiration to us all… Now, onto having a great weekend and happy holidays, like she would want!

This week in New Orleans, I was reminded of the wall of our production office for “AHS: Freak Show.”  Each time one of us “died” (on the show), we were turned upside-down.  Bittersweet to see us all right side-up, in retrospect.  

Another memory of Rose, and our beloved band of freaks:
I remember once visiting Rose in the hospital while we were shooting “Freak Show”…  When I entered her room, I was struck by its diversity:  there was Emmy & Oscar winner, Jessica Lange, Emmy nominee, Sarah Paulson, Rose (who, until only recently had been an auto-mechanic), and me… all brought together out of the common concern and love for this woman.  I though, “wow, what a great group” — not just within those four wall (though that too) — but that cast and crew, in general. I’m so grateful to have had that time with them, and Rose, in particular.  

46 weeks ago, I posted this photo on Instagram, and captioned it, “THESE ARE MY PEEPS!”  Since then, we’ve lost TWO of them.  I know it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all… I just feel like I’m doing an inordinate amount of loving and losing lately.  🙁

I regret to say our dear friend and co-star, Rose Siggins passed away this morning.

I feel like Elsa Mars said it best:  “The death of a beloved monster is always a sorrow, but never a surprise.  If oddly-formed organs or a random physical anomaly doesn’t claim them, then it is the sheer density of their blaze.  A cary’s life burns brighter than most.  It is bound to extinguish sooner.”

Please help support her family during this difficult time:

I am genuinely verklempt!  The forever fashion-forward Dora Landa surprised me with this box of silk sexiness, apparently “moved by my talent and inspired by my fearless style.”  I, dear madams, am inspired by the beauty before me, as well as your lovely generosity!