100% LA realness.

You were there in spirit, Jamie Brewer!  
-At The Hollywood Show

Enjoying an unprecedented, entire month home… 
But soon, I’m off to the Alamo for Terror Expo!  

2015 was the year I took 44 trips to 22 states and 7 countries.  Just thinking about it makes me so tired, I may not make it to midnight.

Talking on Frank Talk Radio (channel 1) today 4-5pm PST.  Join the convo at http://www.latalkradio.com

WALKED TO YOGA from my new place in HALF the time it takes me to DRIVE from the old.  You know what that means:  less time in traffic, more time in Eka Pada Galavasana in my Shama Jade unitard, of course!

No snow, far from family, not a tree in sight… And yet, this has got to be my merriest Christmas yet!  For TODAY I woke up A HOMEOWNER, for the first time IN MY VERY OWN PLACE!!!

On this Christmas Eve, I can’t stop thinking about Rose’s two kids, Shelby & Luke, dressed here as orphans for our “Orphans” episode.  It all just rings a little too true, having just lost their mother themselves… Please help them through this difficult time:  http://www.gofundme/RoseSiggins