Post published:April 12, 2014 WOAH. One of my most personally meaningful reviews yet, written by an incredibly brave, super-badass, blind, burlesque dancer:
Post published:April 11, 2014 I’m pleased to announce that I not only have one, but TWO short films debuting at Cannes this year! “Just Me and All of You” and “#RIP” could not be more different (high drama/over-the-top comedy), nor could my roles (a multiple-personality murderess/a spicy, Spanish soap star, respectively). Félicitations to the filmmakers!
Post published:April 9, 2014 So glad my bag was among those selected for physical inspection! (That’s what every keynote’s luggage looks like, right?)
Post published:April 7, 2014 Running my mouth on the radio again… Listen to me live (tonight, 6:40pm PST) or archived at:
Post published:April 6, 2014 SIZE MATTERS! Thanks, Northwestern Magazine, for the life-size, full-page feature!
Post published:April 5, 2014 To my new friends/fans from last year’s Scare-A-Con in Syracuse: I’m back! Performing my show, “Carnival Knowledge” as one of the keynotes at Cripping the Comic Con. My performance is Wed, 4/9 from 10-11:30am at the Schine Student Center (304ABC). Free admission; parking available at University Avenue garage.
Post published:April 3, 2014 Just signed on to do this movie… Gonna be scary-good!
Post published:April 2, 2014 Apparently my new wax self is now the spokesmodel for “Girls and Corpses Magazine.” Lovely!