Shocked and thrilled by the creativity Pepper has inspired!
Check out the artist: 
She creates these wildly whimsical art pieces & dolls. 
Such a talent!

Shock Stockin’ with the legendary Patricia Quinn 
and friends, old and new alike!

In honor of Equal Pay Day today, I’m reposting this very thoughtful interview re: Women in Comedy: Thank you, U of Idaho Women’s Center, for all that you do for women (including me this weekend!).  

According to a fan at “Days of the Dead” yesterday, someone’s been horroring around!

Last night’s show went RIDICULOUSLY WELL!

Wow, what a warm welcome to U of Idaho!

This is nuts.  Someone my parents knew 50 years ago when they lived in Colombia just sent them this. From Bucaramanga’s “Vanguardia Liberal.”