Pro-choicers are justifiably upset today. At least Ctrl Alt Delete (& I) are getting favorable reviews? “My favorite character in this web series is Lorna. Naomi Grossman plays Lorna. You might recognize Grossman from her roles as Pepper and Samantha Crowe in American Horror Story. Lorna is, by her own admission, someone who comes to the abortion clinic often. Her offbeat comments and humor make me glad she’s a recurring character. In fact, Grossman was nominated for an Emmy Award because of this role. Still, I would enjoy seeing a better look at Lorna’s life in upcoming episodes. I’d love to know more about her life.” I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HER LIFE TOO! (BUT ON HBO.) SUPPORTING THIS SERIES IS THE BEST WAY TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN. WATCH/LIKE/SHARE, PLEASE & THANK YOU!