Quick, getting my workout in before I head out to the @houstonhorrorfilmfest this weekend! 🤸🏻‍♀️ This gif would not be possible without ma homie, @creativetopher who MADE these leggings, mi amigaza, @luceromaya who handed-me-down this top, & my #yogaguru, @stephaniefrancismorrell who welcomes me into her home DAILY to do the DARNDEST THINGS! Head over & follow them, won’t you? 🎨👚🧘🏻‍♀️ And if you’re in/around Houston, follow me to the #houstonhorrorfilmfest! ☠️ #followfriday #yoga #tricks #pinchamayurasana #forearmstand #variation #yogibicycle #whattodo #thisweekend #houston #alittlehelpfrommyfriends