In 2012, my cousin, @shaffer3028 (who served as president of the #colorado state senate 2009-2012) ran for congress. He did not win. But we survived. 12 years later, @revenantwares repurposed his campaign shirt into a dress, and I wore it on the @hollywoodpantagestheatre’s @broadwayinhollywood#redcarpet#premiere last night. #backtothefuture was a great show and especially good distraction, in spite of its ironic timing as politically, we head back to the past…

YES, I WEAR A DIFFERENT COSTUME EVERY NIGHT OF HALLOWEEN WEEK! First, with #arttheclown himself, @davidhowardthornton & Miss #halloween4, @kathleenkinmont as a (failed) #lionsandtigersandbearsohmy, then with Kris Degenerate aka @johnpatrickshulak as a @revenantwares #creepyqueen, and finally with a dozen #pegbundy (& a half million other #wehohalloween revelers) as a #mexicanwrestler with a message. Now, WHAT SHOULD I BE TONIGHT?! #halloween #costume #halloweencostume #halloweenparty #halloweenweek