I travel so much, it’s rare when something notable, nevermind hilarious happens in-flight:  I was working away at my computer; the older businessman next to me had propped his iPad up on the seat in front of him.  He fell asleep, and his Netflix queue steamed up… I glanced over, only to see what looked to be a GAY PORN playing!  STARRING A FRIEND OF MINE!!!  I knew not what to do other than snap the photos below!!! I was dying… What was this seemingly straight man (didn’t see the pinky till later) doing, watching such smut in public?!  And what was my friend doing IN IT?!  He eventually woke up, MORTIFIED, and quickly changed the channel.  I’ve since learned from my actor-friend, Eric Dean that’s it’s actually a gay ROM-COM.  In his defense, his work looked excellent!  I’ve added it to my Netflix queue to see how it ends!!

Fun fact about Amazon Eve:  her breasts feel like a travel pillow!

New Yorkers:  Don’t hate– you know I ALWAYS come see you whenever I’m close.  I just can’t this time– work calls, not to mention my very own bed!  If, however, you’re inclined to come visit me this weekend at Chiller Theatre in Parsippany, NJ, I’ll be there Fri-Sun, 4/24-26 with my fellow freaks, and the slew of famous folks listed here.  http://www.chillertheatre.com/gt/gtc4.htm 

Here we go again!
-At Pop Con

I remember when Ethan Hawke spoke to us theatre majors in the exact same hall where I spoke to theatre majors this week.  (Been having on to this purple dress, hoping for this very occasion for a while!)  Thanks to the dear friends that joined me last night, on this wonderfully fulfilling, full-circle journey!

On this Tax Day, thought I’d ask:  NONE of my friends/fans/followers work for the IRS?  I’m being audited for the SECOND time in 3 years– they STILL allege my acting is a hobby, and disallow all related deductions.  Got a new accountant on the case, though could really use a friend/fan/follower over there… in case that’s you!

I’m an only child, though I did enjoy spending “Siblings Day” with the brother-in-law I never had.