Pensacon, you outdid yourself!  I’ll be honest, I was in no mood when I arrived.  But the hospitality you showed me– even threw a Freak Show-themed party– and RAISED $1K FOR BEN WOOLF’S MEMORIAL?!?!  Returning home anew.

Wow!  The AHS panel today was PACKED!  (And it was an hour walk from the show floor.)  Jesus asked me a question (I had a few for him too), and these kids shared with me the “Pepper pot” that got them an A+ in ceramics class! -At Pensacon

Poured one out for my homie last night.  
(I might add the waitress was NOT happy about this.)

The view from my hotel room in Maryland where I woke up this morning, vs. my view here in Florida this afternoon.  Was working on a movie when I got the news Monday… and again on Tuesday.  Wednesday flew across country and gave a speech… only to be snowed in.  It was actually nice– I needed a day in my jimmies, without having to keep it together and “be on” in public.  But now that’s over, and it’s time to meet the masses, apparently.  Yikes!

#TBT to last Sunday before my world got turned upside down.  I got a text at 10am saying I couldn’t wear the dress I’d picked out for the Oscars, because Lady Gaga might need it for an after-party (nevermind that we’re not the same size).  So @Tafreshi_Fashion @Pushandcompany @Wilfordlenov @HoswayMorbakAli and I improvised.  NOW I understand she’s starring in AHS: HOTELL???  (Did I mention I’d been snowed in a hotel– total horror story– the last 2 days?)  I DO BELIEVE THESE WORLDS ARE ALL CONNECTED!!!  I just hope to have the chance to tell her how she flubbed me up on Sunday! 😉  Sadly, this story now seems so silly and insignificant. 🙁

I needed 200 hugs last night, and I got them!  Salisbury University (Maryland) came out in droves yesterday to hear me speak.  Up till then, I hadn’t gone more than an hour and a half without bursting into tears– but somehow, my 2 hour talk went great!

Hold me close, Tiny Dancer…

Man, even the water fountains in this hotel make me sad.

Ben Woolf, you just made my makeup artist’s job really effing difficult.