6 months ago, this would have sent me into the ethers.  
It’s still pretty freakin’ cool.

ATTENTION BRAZILIAN PEPPER FANS:  MundoAHS is sponsoring a “We Love Pepper” contest!  Submit your best Pepper art, photos, videos, etc., showing your love for Pepper.  Deadline is 1/18, send to .


ATENCÂO FÂS DE PEPPER:  MundoAHS apresenta o projeto “We love Pepper!” Tire uma foto ou envie um vídeo que demonstre o seu amor por Pepper.   Data limite 18/1, enviar para .

Talking to LA LA Land (internet radio) at noon PST. You can watch it live at www.latalklive.com or later (archived) at www.latalklive.com/new/la-la-land.  The viewer call-in line is (323) 247-7443, so feel free to call in with questions!

Oh, snap!

“Wigga Pleaze!” and “Yes” have just been accepted into this year’s Dam Short Film Festival!

Namaste 2013!